The massive cyber attack unleashed on the world on Friday (in the form of the WannaCry ransomware worm) caused major disruption to thousands of people around the world. The effects of the attack will be felt for some time to come and one question remains: how do you protect yourself from ransomware? (more…)

Recent reports of health clinics breaching the Data Protection Act through user error have highlighted a problem with the use of mass e-mail.


As people scramble to find those last-minute gifts for their loved ones, cyber criminals are likely to attempt some sophisticated, wide-reaching scams in an attempt to part desperate shoppers from their money. (more…)

In this first of a series of posts about re-claiming your private data from 'the cloud' I will explore how you can achieve all the functionality of services like Dropbox, while ensuring you know exactly where your data is. (more…)

As devices you install in your offices start to become ever more connected, there is a temptation to throw caution to the wind and take advantage of the 'Access your device anywhere' claims plastered all over the outside of the box. Don't. (more…)

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