In this first of a series of posts about re-claiming your private data from 'the cloud' I will explore how you can achieve all the functionality of services like Dropbox, while ensuring you know exactly where your data is. (more…)

As devices you install in your offices start to become ever more connected, there is a temptation to throw caution to the wind and take advantage of the 'Access your device anywhere' claims plastered all over the outside of the box. Don't. (more…)


Monday's complete failure of Research in Motion's (RIMs) UK BlackBerry Internet Service servers has highlighted just how reliant we have become on services offered by third parties.

Because of the failure of a group of servers in a UK datacentre, all of RIMs customers across the whole EMEA region were unable to access any of their e-mail or do anything besides make phone calls and send text messages. This is worrying. (more…)

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