DigiPest, owned and operated by Chris Fairey, undertakes that any information collected via our website will only be used for the purposes outlined below:
The computer systems that run our website collect details about the computers they send content to, which are stored in log files, this information includes details about your web browser, your IP Address and the responses the server sent back to you. We only use this information for diagnostic purposes, unless we are required to release it to assist in an investigation by the police or other government agency.
The information you supply to us either through our contact form or directly via e-mail, will only be used in conjunction with processing your enquiry. Any further use of information you submit to us, beyond what is necessary to properly respond to your enquiry, will be agreed with you in writing prior to such activities being performed. All data collected by our contact form will be kept for either the duration of the resulting contract or a period of 6 months.
In addition to the information asked for in our contact form (Name, E-Mail Address, Website Address, Nature of Enquiry and Comments), the form also collects your IP Address (a number assigned to each computer connected to the Internet to facilitate communication). We do not make use of the IP Addresses collected in any way, except where needed to report illegal or harmful actions by visitors.
The act of submitting your information to enqure about our services will require us to process it in order to fulfil any request for information. Submission of such data is taken as consent for this processing to take place, in line with the details of this privacy policy.
Our website uses 'cookies' (small text files, stored on your computer) to assist us in the continued development of our website and to ensure that you can find all the information you require. We will only use this information in the context of website visitor analysis, and shall never directly sell or publish details collected by our analytics system. Data collected by our analytics system, will be retained for a period of 12 months.
Should you opt to subscribe to our mailing list, the details you submit shall only be used to send you material via the service you subscribe through (MailChimp). We will not use your e-mail address for any other form of direct marketing unless you specifically authorise us to.
Our mailing list provider will require you to confirm your desire to opt into our mailing list when you sign up.
Your request to subscribe to our mailing list, and the confirmation of this requested by the service provider, constitues our lawful basis for processing the information collected.
Under the GDPR, you have the following rights in regard to the information held about them by third-parties.
Any requests to exercise the above rights should be communicated using the contact details below, and will be responded to within 1 month.
Address for Subject Access Requests
10 Mallard Close
North Yorkshire
YO10 3BS
Telephone: 0330 380 1094